Recent research shows that we spend over 4 hours a day reading something (hint: When you open your Facebook app and WhatsApp –You are reading)

In my workshops, I ask participants to raise hands if they know what their reading speed is. Few people do.

In this blog post, I will share with you a quick way to calculate your reading speed.

Are you a slow reader or an Expert Reader?

Many people know they read slowly but don’t know how slowly they read.

Are you one of them?

If this is the case, it is important that you know what your reading speed is. We calculate our reading speed in words you read in a minute.

Calculating your reading speed will make you aware if you are a slow reader or an expert reader.

An average reader reads between 150-250 Words Per Minute (WPM).

An expert reader can read above 400 WPM and beyond.


Understanding is more important

No matter what your reading speed, it is very important that you understand what you are reading. If you read faster and understand nothing, then it is useless.

When you are calculating your reading speed below, give the understanding of the text more importance.


Calculating your reading speed

Select a book

Isn’t obvious you need some reading material to test your reading speed. It is important that you select either a light fiction book or non-fiction book to test your reading speed. Don’t select a technical book for calculating your reading speed. It will not give you a right picture.

Let’s calculate your reading speed

There are 2 ways of calculating your reading speed. First is Non-mathematical and 2nd way involves mathematics.  You can choose any method.

First Method: Non-mathematical method

Here are the steps for the first method:

  1.    Set the timer for 1 minute and start reading from the first word.  
  2.    Read at your normal reading speed for 1 minutes.–It important to read at your normal reading speed and not try to read faster.
  3.    When the timer rings, stop reading and put a light mark at the last word you have read.
  4.    Count the number of words manually from the beginning till the last word you have read (you have put a light mark).

If you have read 200 words in that one minute, then your reading speed is 200 Words Per Minute (WPM).  

Congratulations, that is your reading speed.

Summary: Read for 1 minute. Once you finish reading for one minute, then count the number of words you have read in that one minute.

That’s your reading speed.

Now it’s time for some elaborate method for finding out your reading speed.

Second Method: Mathematical method

  1.  Read the book for 3 minutes.

Take the book you have selected and set the timer for 3 minutes.  Read the book for 3 minutes. After you finished reading for 3 minutes, put a light mark at the last word you have read.

  1. Count the number of lines you have read in 3 minutes.

After you finish reading for 3 minutes, count the number of lines you have read.

Let’s say you have read 40 lines.

  1. Calculate Average words per line.
  2. Count the number of words in the first 3 lines.
  3.  Divide the total number of words by 3. You will get an average number of words per line.

Let’s say there are 37 words in 3 lines. So, it comes to 37 words/3 lines = 12.33 i.e.12 words per line.

  1. Calculate your reading speed

Your reading speed = (Number of lines you have read X Average words per line)/3

In our e.g., your reading speed is (40 lines X 12 words per minute)/3 = 160 WPM.

The second method gives you a more true picture of your reading speed.

Important Note

Remember, whatever your reading speed is, it is just an average reading speed. It is not your absolute reading speed.

Your reading speed will change depending on the book you read, your interest in the reading material, your state of mind when you are reading. There are many factors.

Calculating your reading speed gives you a rough idea where you stand.

Personally, I don’t care what my reading speed is because what I care is how many books I am reading in a week or number of pages I read in a day.

Knowing your present reading speed would be great if you are starting your journey in improving your learning skill. You would have some number to track your improvement.

What Now?

Whatever your reading speed is you can improve it even further.

Read the article to improve your reading speed by 50%


Action step:

  1.    Calculate your reading speed using any of the above methods.
  2.    Post it comment section what your reading speed is.



On the below-mentioned page, I have listed down all the FAQs I am asked about Speed reading, learning fast etc and my responses to the same.

Click here to see all the FAQs and my responses

Become an expert learner Online course

In my flagship course – Become an expert learner, I share with you all the strategies and systems to help you triple your reading speed, read book a week, make effective notes and remember what you read.

Click here to know more.